Fast & Secure Access (FSA)
FSA is a complete smart lock system which is also termed as “FAST AND SECURE ACCESS “(FSA) smart lock system
The FSA seeks to leverage smart and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies to enhance the productivity of personnel entering the restricted areas and to enhance the security in the restricted areas.
With the rising demand for more efficient and secure operations, deployment of technology in flexible and intelligent security infrastructures becomes necessary.
This brings us to initiate the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into smart lock systems for high accuracy detection, identification and determination.
The implementation of AI surveillance can be applied for effective checking, monitoring, tracing and tracking while bringing convenience.
Current Challenges faced:
- Time consuming
- Labor intensive
- Risk of misplacing physical keys
- Less secure
- Not able to track
Advantages of FSA:
- Accurately identify and allow access of pre-registered personnel using video cameras
- Ease onsite access by removing the need to draw physical keys from the TCs.
- Real time monitoring of whether the door is opened or closed
- Video analytics to detect specific events
- Provide audit trails for post-event investigations
- Monitor personnel in restricted areas
- faster processing leading to higher efficiency
- Future-proof with the ease of further development or enhancement
Hardware components such as EM locks and video cameras will be installed in each restricted area. Local controller with video analytics transmit information to backend operations.
A cloud-based software – the Registration and Monitoring Platform – will be used by TCs, government agencies and contractors to create access requests and others. The HDB Smart Hub shall retrieve the data from the backend for data analytics purposes.